Launch your business in Nigeria & USA
Here to ensure your success, iWorks-GT provides all the strategic, creative, digital, and analytics solutions necessary for launching, managing, and growing your business.

4.7 stars from over 1,000+ businesses globally.

Trusted by great companies like


Opeyemi Afolayan
CEO, iWorks-GT LTD.

A Message from our CEO

We started iWorks-GT about eight years ago to solve our own problems. Three years ago, I started my first business in the US, which cost me around $5,000 and involved a lot of headaches, like going to the bank in person to open an account.

iWorks-GT is here to change how people start and manage their businesses. We help you every step of the way, from setting up your business and getting a tax ID to opening a bank account and handling tasks like tax filings.

Let’s make running your business easier. Welcome to iWorks-GT.

👏🏽 you can count on us

Custom Website

Design ready in 3-7 days!


Custom Website

Design ready in 3-7 days!


Let's take your business to the next level!

Cras a elit sit amet leo accumsan volutpat. Suspendisse hendreriast ehicula leo, vel efficitur felis ultrices non.

Some of our past project!

Okler Themes

Cras a elit sit amet leo accumsan volutpat. Suspendisse hendreriast ehicula leo, vel efficitur felis ultrices non. Cras a elit sit amet leo acun volutpat. Suspendisse hendrerit.


Cras a elit sit amet leo accumsan volutpat. Suspendisse hendreriast ehicula leo, vel efficitur felis ultrices non. Cras a elit sit amet leo acun volutpat. Suspendisse hendrerit.

Porto Template

Cras a elit sit amet leo accumsan volutpat. Suspendisse hendreriast ehicula leo, vel efficitur felis ultrices non. Cras a elit sit amet leo acun volutpat. Suspendisse hendrerit.